Conditions - Neoplasia
This download includes one CSV file
- conditions_neoplasia.csv
Conditions - Neoplasia
Neoplasia conditions diagnosed per study year reported on questionnaires. Additional malignancy information from medical records and diagnostic reports can be found in the Malignancy and Cause of Death section in Data Commons.
Variable | Description |
subject_id | Dog's unique identifier. |
relationship_category | All conditions reported are for the study dog. |
year_in_study | Year in study the data was collected. |
record_date* | Date of questionnaire submission. |
to_date** | 0 - Reported conditions diagnosed only in that study year. 1 - All reported conditions diagnosed from baseline through that study year. |
any | 0 - No conditions diagnosed. 1 - At least one condition diagnosed. |
adrenal_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
basal_cell_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
bile_duct_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
bladder_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
brain_spinal_cord_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
breast_or_mammary_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
eye_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
hair_matrix_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
heart_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
hemangiosarcoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
histiocytic_sarcoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
kidney_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
leukemia | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
liver_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
lung_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
lymphoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
mast_cell_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
melanoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
multiple_myeloma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
nasal_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
osteosarcoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
pancreatic_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
perianal_adenoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
pituitary_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
plasma_cell_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
plasmacytoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
prostate_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
soft_tissue_sarcoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
splenic_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
squamous_cell_carcinoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
stomach_intestinal_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
testicular_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
thymoma | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
thyroid_tumor | 1 - Condition diagnosed. |
other | 1 - Other condition diagnosed. |
other_specify | Specify other condition diagnosed. |
*Multiple record dates represent multiple questionnaire submissions in a study year. Questionnaires where conditions are reported include: Annual Veterinarian Questionnaire, Additional Veterinarian Visit Questionnaire, Malignancy Related Questionnaire and Death and Necropsy Related Questionnaire.
**If no questionnaires were submitted for that study year, then all condition values for the "reported conditions diagnosed only in that study year" (to_date value of 0) will appear blank. All aggregate rows for "all conditions diagnosed from baseline through that study year" (to_date value of 1) do not include these blank rows in the aggregate calculation.
Please note: The 'Malignancy and Cause of Death' data is collected from an internal tracking system. The 'Conditions - Neoplasia' data is collected from the Annual Veterinarian Questionnaire, Additional Veterinarian Visit Questionnaire, Malignancy Related Questionnaire and Death and Necropsy Related Questionnaire. If you are interested in all malignancies diagnosed throughout the study, please also review the data from the 'Malignancy and Cause of Death' dataset.