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An image of Bette M. Morris with Golden Retriever and scientific icons

Medical Conditions Data

A requirement for participating in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is that the dog's veterinarian must be willing to participate as well. Once each year the veterinarian performs a thorough physical examination and completes a lengthy questionnaire for the study. Included in this questionnaire is information about any medical diagnoses that were made during the year. Below is a summary of the most common diagnoses thus fact in the project.
Medical Conditions

At each annual visit, the veterinarian also collects biological samples including blood, urine, feces, hair and nails, and these samples are sent to our biorepository for storage. Biopsy and necropsy samples are also collected whenever possible. Researchers can apply for access to these samples -- see the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study pages on the Foundation's web site for more details.