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An image of Bette M. Morris with Golden Retriever and scientific icons

I see that data is available in two formats: 1) For study year, and 2) Through study year. What is the difference between these two?

The “for study year” option is a Boolean yes/no for if the dog had that condition for the study year requested. It also contains the specific responses from veterinarians and owners who selected “other” and provided additional information.  

The “through study year” option is a summary of the data for all the dogs up to the current study year available. Additional text provided under “other – specify” will not be available. The “through study year” option is a Boolean yes/no for if the dog EVER had that condition throughout the study.  

Thus, if a dog had a condition multiple times throughout the study (e.g fractured bone in study years 2 and 4), it would be marked as “1” (yes) for fracture when you pull data through study year 5, but if you pulled individual study year data you would see “0” (no) for study years 1, 3, and 5 and “1” (yes) for study years 2 and 4.