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An image of Bette M. Morris with Golden Retriever and scientific icons

Physical Exam

Morris animal Foundation


This download includes one CSV file

  • exam_physical.csv

Exam Physical

Yearly physical exam findings including TPR, height, weight, and general appearance.

Variable Descriptions
subject_idDog's unique identifier.
year_in_studyYear in study the data was collected.
record_dateDate of questionnaire submission.
height*Height (measured at the withers).
height_unitsUnit of height measurement.
weight_unitsUnit of weight measurement.
temperature*Temperature (Fahrenheit). 
pulse*Pulse rate per minute.
respiratory_rate*Respiratory rate.
respiratory_rate_categoryRespiratory rate measurement (breaths/minute or panting).
appetiteDog's appetite level.
attitudeDog's overall appearance and attitude.
purina_body_condition_score**Purina Body Condition Score (refer to Purina's Body Condition System chart).
body_fat_index**Body Fat Index (refer to Hill’s Body Fat Index chart).
fecesFeces appearance and frequency.
feces_abnormal_specifyIf feces are abnormal, specify why.
urinationUrination appearance and frequency.
urination_abnormal_specifyIf urine is abnormal, specify why.
capillary_refillCapillary refill time in seconds.
capillary_refill_not_evaluatedCapillary refill time was not evaluated.
hydration_statusHydration level.
dehydrated_percentIf dehydrated, the percentage of dehydration.
overhydrated_percentIf overhydrated, the percentage of overhydration.
mucous_membrane_not_evaluatedMucous membranes were not evaluated.
mucous_membrane_normalMucuous membranes appeared normal.
mucous_membrane_paleMucuous membranes appeared pale.
mucous_membrane_injectedMucuous membranes appeared injected.
mucous_membrane_ictericMucuous membranes appeared icteric.
mucous_membrane_patechiaeMucuous membranes appeared petechiae.
mucous_membrane_cyanoticMucuous membranes appeared cyanotic.

*Values are reported directly by the veterinarian but may not always appear accurate (i.e. value is too high or low for what is expected of a golden retriever).

**Purina's Body Condition Score was added starting in study year 3 to replace Hill's Body Fat Index.


Data is available through study year 8 due to embargo period
