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An image of Bette M. Morris with Golden Retriever and scientific icons

DISHAA - Cognitive Dysfunction Survey

Morris animal Foundation


This download includes one CSV file

  • goldenage_dishaa.csv

DISHAA Golden Age

Assessment of changes in behaviors relating to cognitive decline including disorientation, social interactions, sleep/wake cycles, house soiling, activity and anxiety.

On-cycle columns contain owner data collected in conjunction with veterinarian data columns. Off-cycle columns contain owner data collected six months later and do not have associated veterinarian data.

Each question is ranked on a scale of 0 (none or no change) to 3 (everyday or severe change). A vet score of 4-15 is consistent with mild cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), 16-33 with moderate CDS and greater than 33 with severe CDS.

Variable Descriptions
subject_idDog's unique identifier.
year_in_studyYear in study the data was collected.
record_dateThe earliest date within the study year that an owner questionnaire was completed. Can be the on or off-cycle questionnaire.
q01_disorient_stuckHow often does your dog get stuck behind furniture, have difficulty getting around familiar objects or go to the hinge side of the door?
q02_disorient_staresHow often does your dog stare blankly at walls, the floor or off into space?
q03_disorient_familiarHow often does your dog have difficulty recognizing familiar people and/or familiar pets?
q04_disorient_lostHow often does your dog get lost or confused in your home or your yard?
q05_disorient_reactiveHow often does your dog seem less aware of, or less reactive to, familiar sights or sounds?
q06_disorient_find_foodHow often does your dog have difficulty finding food dropped on the floor?
q07_alter_irritableHow often does your dog seem more fearful, aggressive or irritable with visitors, family members or other pets?
q08_alter_interestHow often does your dog show a decreased interest in approaching or greeting family members?
q09_anxiety_increasedHow often does your dog seem more anxious when separated from you?
q10_anxiety_reactiveHow often does your dog seem more upset by, reactive to, or fearful of sights or sounds that should be familiar?
q11_anxiety_fearHow often does your dog seem more fearful of or anxious in unfamiliar places (e.g. new locations/going outdoors).
q12_sleeping_pacingHow often does your dog pace, sleep less, wake up or seem restless during the night?
q13_sleep_vocalHow often does your dog bark, whine or howl during the night?
q14_house_learnHow often does your dog seem less able to learn something new, or to respond to previously learned commands/tasks/its name?
q15_house_indoorHow often does your dog defecate or urinate in areas previously kept clean or not let you know when he/she needs to go outside?
q16_house_difficultHow often do you have difficulty getting or keeping your dog's attention, or how often does your dog seem more distracted or less focused?
q17_activity_exploreHow often does your dog show a decreased interest or desire in playing with toys, family members or other pets, or in general activities?
q18_activity_aimlessHow often does your dog display aimless activity such as pacing or wandering?
q19_activity_repetitiveHow often does your dog display repetitive behaviors such as excessive licking, circling, chewing or star gazing (looking up and staring at the ceiling or sky)?
on_cycle_score or off_cycle_scoreTotal score for owner questionnaire.
The on_cycle score is a total of only on_cycle owner questions.
The off_cycle score is a total of only off_cycle owner questions.
scoreTotal score for veterinarian questionnaire.
The vet score is only a total of vet questions.



Sharing of this data is made possible by Purina Institute

Purina Institute Logo

Data is available through study year 8 due to embargo period
This questionnaire was added as an optional study component in March 2021


Jack Chang

Really interesting data

Chinedu a. Eze

Very interesting and well thought out data