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golden retrievers with blurred landscape background

Activity and Lifestyle

Morris animal Foundation


This download includes four CSV files

  • activity_overview.csv
  • activity_details_through_SY2.csv
  • activity_details_SY3_beyond.csv
  • lifestyle.csv

Activity Overview

Information about overall activity level, sun exposure and swimming history for all study years.

Variable Descriptions
Variable Description
subject_id Dog's unique identifier.
year_in_study Year in study the data was collected.
record_date Date of questionnaire submission.
activity_level Dog's activity level.
swim Dog goes swimming status.
swim_duration* Duration of swimming.
swim_pace* Pace of swimming.
swim_cold_frequency* Dog's swimming frequency in cold weather.
swim_location_pool* Dog's typical swimming location - swimming pool.
swim_location_pond_lake* Dog's typical swimming location - pond/lake.
swim_location_river_stream_ditch* Dog's typical swimming location - river, stream or agricultural (eg. Irrigation) ditch.
swim_location_ocean* Dog's typical swimming location - ocean.
swim_warm_frequency* Dog's swimming frequency in warm weather.
sun_exposure_duration Dog's sun exposure duration.
sun_exposure_shade_access Dog's shade access.
sun_exposure_concrete Dog's sun exposure location - concrete.
sun_exposure_grass Dog's sun exposure location - grass.
sun_exposure_dirt Dog's sun exposure location - dirt.
sun_exposure_other_specify Dog's sun exposure location - specify other.

*Swimming details (duration, pace, frequency and location) not available for all dogs that swim

Activity Details Through SY2

Detailed activity information for walks, aerobic exercise and fetch through study year two. Additional questions were added in later questionnaires.

Variable Descriptions
Variable Description
subject_id Dog's unique identifier.
year_in_study Year in study the data was collected.
record_date Date of questionnaire submission.
aerobic_duration Dog's aerobic exercise other than on-leash walks duration.
aerobic_pace Dog's activity level during aerobic activity.
aerobic_frequency Dog's aerobic exercise other than on-leash walks frequency.
walk_without_leash Is the dog allowed to walk without a lead/leash?
walk_duration Walk duration.
walk_pace Dog's typical walk pace.
walk_frequency Frequency of walks on a lead/leash.
walk_reason_bathroom Walk reason - allow dog to relieve itself.
walk_reason_general_enjoyment Walk reason - general activity and enjoyment.
walk_reason_training Walk reason - training and obedience.
walk_reason_other_specify Walk reason - specify other.
fetch_games_frequency Fetch or other outdoor game frequency.

Activity Details SY3 beyond

Detailed activity information for all types of activity from study year three and beyond.

Variable Descriptions
Variable Description
subject_id Dog's unique identifier.
year_in_study Year in study the data was collected.
record_date Date of questionnaire submission.
activity Activity type.
activity_other Specify other activity type.
duration Activity duration.
frequency Activity frequency.
pace Activity pace.
grade Activity slope grade.
surface_asphalt Activity on asphalt surface.
surface_concrete Activity on concrete/cement surface.
surface_dirt Activity on dirt surface.
surface_grass Activity on grassy surface.
surface_rocky Activity on rocky surface.
surface_sand Activity on sandy surface.
surface_varied Activity on varied surface.
surface_other Activity on an other surface.
surface_other_specify Specify other surface.
total_time Time over the course of dog's lifetime that dog has participated in activity.
total_time_units Time over the course of dog's lifetime that dog has participated in activity units.


Dog's primary and secondary lifestyle.

Variable Descriptions
Variable Description
subject_id Dog's unique identifier.
year_in_study Year in study the data was collected.
record_date Date of questionnaire submission.
is_primary 1 - dog's primary lifestyle.
0 - dog's secondary lifestyle.
lifestyle Dog's activity/lifestyle.
lifestyle_other_specify Specify dog's other activity/lifestyle - if applicable
therapy_visit_hospital Therapy dog frequently visits hospital.
therapy_visit_library Therapy dog frequently visits library.
therapy_visit_nursing_home Therapy dog frequently visits nursing home.
therapy_visit_school Therapy dog frequently visits school.
therapy_visit_other Therapy dog frequently visits another location.
therapy_visit_other_specify Specify other location therapy dog frequently visits.
Data is available through study year 7 due to embargo period
